Choices for Disability Sport Awards 2015
Greenbank Sports Academy held its annual awards night on 18th July, to recognise the contribution to disability sports made by a wide range of individuals.
Thanks to funding from The St James’s Place Foundation, the Academy has run a successful Choices for Disability Sports Programme, which increases sporting opportunities across Merseyside, since 2012. The programme now facilitates twenty club sessions in twelve sports across seven days per week.
Greenbank Sport Development Manager Mark Palmer said:
“The success of sport, at grassroots level in particular, relies on the passion of the people who turn up, week in, week out to offer sessions and develop the sport. The Choices Awards are all about saying thank you to those involved with making our disability sports programme happen.”
The award winners were:
Choices Senior of the Year, sponsored by Stackhouse Poland Ltd – Ummi Spall
Choices Club of the Year, sponsored by Cyclone Mobility – Greenbank Cycling Club
Choices Junior of the Year, sponsored by Peter Dickinson Wealth Management – Alex Warine
Choices Volunteer of the Year, sponsored by Iain McLaverty Wealth Management – Andrew O’Brien Settle
Choices Coach of the Year, sponsored by Richard Janvier and John Ronan, St James’s Place Wealth Management – Rose Hutchinson
Choices Special Recognition Award, sponsored by Cyclone Mobility – Malcolm Forster
Further supporters of the evening were Jaguar Landrover, Carlsberg UK and Marshall Property.