College Cup Competition 2017

Greenbank Sports Academy was the venue for the Liverpool County FA’s College Cup Competition 2017 which included teams from Carmel, Hugh Baird, Greenbank and Riverside Colleges playing for 3 trophies.

The Premier League trophy was won by Hugh Baird (2) after beating rivals Hugh Baird (1) by 3 goals to nil.


Greenbank Academy were the victors in the Championship after beating Carmel College (1), 3 goals to nil.

The League 1 Cup was taken home by Carmel after a thrilling final went to a penalty decider – Carmel eventually beat Greenbank College 3 v 1.

Mark Horlick, LCFA Disability Football Development Officer said:

“The College Cup Competition offers teams a great end of league finale following on from a successful season.

Thanks to all teams involved and we look forward to the first fixture of the 2017/18 season on 29th November.”