Wheelchair Rugby (Paralympic)
Sunday 5 July 10.00am - 1.00pm
The Wheelchair Rugby (Paralympic) sessions are run by Liverpool Lions Wheelchair Rugby Club and they are now recruiting for new players.
Wheelchair Rugby (Paralympic) is a mixed team sport for male and female athletes. A unique sport created by athletes with a disability. It is a mix of rugby, basketball and American football.
Teams of four have to carry a ball across the opposing team’s goal line whilst getting through their defences. Contact between the wheelchairs is allowed, in fact it is encouraged and forms part of the excitement that is Wheelchair Rugby. As on of the only full-chair contact disability sports, it was a huge success with spectators at the 2012 Paralympics and still draws crowds now.
To be eligible to play Wheelchair Rugby, you must have a disability which affects both your arms and legs. Most players have some spinal injury, where others come under other disability groups such as Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, amputations, Polio and other such conditions. Men and women, young and not so young compete on the same teams and in the same competitions.
These sessions are free of charge. Chairs are provided.
Contact Martin Beddis for more information on 07961 186856 or email martinbeddis@gmail.com