Sports Hall Hire Terms & Conditions

Terms of bookings made at Greenbank Sports Academy 


Payment for bookings will be agreed by Greenbank Sports Academy and the Customer, to be paid by one of the following methods: 

Direct Debit from one nominated bank account at the end of each monthly billing period. 

An invoice for an agreed time period, sent to the Customer to be paid within the date of the invoice at the Greenbank Reception by Cash or Debit/Credit Card/Stripe link. Direct Bacs details for Greenbank’s bank account are not provided as the norm. Uses wanting to pay by bacs will need to use Stripe link in order to pay by this method. 

Upon booking, if coaching/instructing/club booking or other third party organisation you accept that you must provide Greenbank Sports Academy with written confirmation that you have completed the following checks on your staff and relevant policies/processes are UpToDate for the third party. By providing this you confirm that you have no information to suggest that the members of staff/volunteers cannot work in a College based sports facility with vulnerable children and vulnerable adults. This is in keeping with all relevant statutory guidance including ‘Keeping Children Safe in  Education (DFE). All Pre Employment checks are confirmed as having been undertaken. 

Safeguarding policy  

DBS registration numbers for coaching sta? 

Public Liability Insurance  

Staff Qualification Checks including any barring’s from industry 

Activity/Organisation Risk Assessment 

Block bookings are continuous on a weekly basis unless otherwise requested and agreed by Greenbank Sports Academy. Block bookings will be reviewed yearly, or at a point when Greenbank wishes to review its bookings based on its current mission statement and strategic direction. A block booking is classed as ‘an ongoing booking made for a term or more, whether for one day or 5 days. 

30 days’ notice is required for termination of the Block Booking agreement while 7 days’ notice is required for one-o? cancellations in writing. A 3 strike rule is in operation for any booking period, and will enforce an immediate review of the block booking.  

All casual bookings are paid for at point of booking and are non refundable or transferable. A casual booking is classed as ‘bookings made ‘as you go’ for one off days/hours, either in advance or on the day. This may also be for short periods of time’. 

There will be no refunds or credits for dates cancelled by the customer without due notice as detailed above. 

Liability for damage rests solely with the Customer of Greenbank Sports Academy and its facilities. 

If the facility is unavailable for use on certain dates, the Customer will be informed 7 days in advance and the payment for the block booking will be adjusted accordingly. 

Events are booked via email correspondence (, where a quote is provided, and a service level agreement is reached between Greenbank Sports Academy and the Customer. The agreed-upon price and payment terms for the event will be outlined in the quote and is binding upon acceptance. 

Sports Hall 

Each booking starts on the hour and lasts for a period of 55 minutes with 5 minutes at the end of each booking allocated for set-up and preparation of equipment for the next activity. The Customer is allowed to use these 5 minutes to pack away personal belongings and equipment before vacating the facility before the next booking begins. 

Therapy Room/Rebound Therapy Hire/Teaching Room 

Each booking is based on a 55 minute booking period unless agreed otherwise with centre Management. 

General Conditions of use of all Facilities 

Equipment should not be stored within the sports hall storage rooms without the prior approval of centre management. Greenbank reserve the right to agree a rental charge for any equipment or storage units. These should be removed immediately when the block booking period expires. 

No food or drink other than water is permitted in the room unless agreed with the centre Management. 

Personal equipment cannot be stored within the rooms and any equipment that is found will be placed in lost property until end of the calendar month. All Lost property is disposed of and recycled.on the 1st of each month. Greenbank accepts no liability for any personal belongings. 

Greenbank grants the customer use of the portable sound system following an introduction of its use. The customer will then be liable for any damage to the equipment if it is found to take place during the booking period and is liable for any licensing fees e.g. PSS music license. 

Greenbank provides basic lighting, an air cooling system (within Therapy room), overhead heaters in sports hall and wall mounted heaters (Wooden spoon room) which is operational by Greenbank sta?. All equipment within the rooms should stay in situe. 

Customers should not enter any facilities not covered by their booking,and only use facilities for the purpose that there booking is for and that has been agreed by the centre. 

A  general code of conduct is available on Greenbanks website and displayed within reception and throughout Greenbank Sports Academy. All service users of facilities should be made aware of this, and conform where applicable. 

On confirming your block booking/casual booking/event quote and/or SLA it is agreed that you will adhere to the terms and conditions outlined to you for the entirety of the booking period; any terms and conditions not met by the Customer may jeopardise the continuation of the booking.