Greenbank August 2022 Holiday Programme

Activities will run weekday’s throughout August 2022 excluding Wednesdays. The actual dates are: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30 August. All sessions operate from 10-14:00

We are offering free school holiday activities during August 2022 for young people aged 8 – 16 (or up to 25 for SEND young people) funded by the Holiday Activity Fund (HAF). The aim of the HAF programme is to make free places available to children eligible for free school meals and would help children and young people:

  • To eat more healthily over the school holidays (programmes will be expected to work towards the school food standards as part of the programme)
  • To be more active during the school holidays
  • To take part in engaging and enriching activates which support the development of resilience, character, and well-being along with their wider education attainment
  • To be safe and not to be socially isolated
  • To have greater knowledge of health nutrition; and
  • To be more engaged with school and other local services.

There will be a range of activities available at Greenbank including:

  • Sport and Physical Activity – Football, basketball, badminton, table tennis, Boccia, wheelchair sports, cycling, walking, keep fit, Activity Bingo
  • Gaming
  • Art and Crafts
  • Healthy Eating
  • Gardening

All children will receive a free lunch, snacks and refreshments on the days they attend.

FREE places are available for young people accessing free school meals or who have special education needs and disabilities (Those who receive a documented support plan or EHCP). Those who are not eligible can book a place at a cost of £20 per day. Places are limited so book fast!!!. Greenbank endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment. Staff and volunteers are DBS checked.

Sessions are inclusive and so activities are suitable for children with SEN or additional needs. Please contact us to discuss this further, but please note that our staff/volunteers cannot provide any personal care such as toileting or clothes changing. Upon registration participants will be sent an additional survey to complete to ensure we understand your child’s SEND. We will also organise a follow phone call to go through any details.

All sessions will be delivered COVID secure in line with current guidelines and recommendations.

Booking can be made ONLINE at:

 EventBrite Booking PAGE

For further information call 0151 280 7757 or email:

Further details on Liverpool’s HAF offer can be seen at: