Knowlsey Challenge Wheelchair Racing Club Success

It’s been a busy time for members of Knowsley Challenge Wheelchair Racing Club with notable achievements recorded for junior Nathan Maguire and novice Sam Kolek.

Nathan has recently won the London Mini Marathon wheelchair race for the 2nd year running ahead of Issac Towers 2nd who also trains at the club. A few weeks later he came 3rd in the Great Manchester 10k wheelchair race setting a new personal best of 23.45. On 4th June he competed in the Daniella Jutzeller Memorial meeting in Switzerland, in the 200m (28.12), 400m (52.39) and 800m (1.42.36) and set new personal bests in all distances.  Then on the 6th and 7th of June he competed in the 100m (16.22), 200m (27.53), 400m (52.17), 800m (1.44.61) and set new personal bests again in the 100m, 200m, and 400m. He has also been selected to represent Great Britain in the IWAS World Junior Games in Holland in July over 200m, 400m and 800m.

Sam has been training with Knowsley for 2 years and the Swiss meeting was  his first international experience and only his second track meeting. He competed over 200m (33.69), 400m (1.05.84),  800m(2.10.97) 1500m (3.58.48). Over the week he continued to improve and set new personal bests in the 200m, 400m, 800m and 1500m. Sam’s next major event is the Great North Run Wheelchair Race in September.

Steve Hoskins, a coach at the club said:

“We are very proud of the achievements of Nathan and Sam and both athletes show great potential for the future.”