Archive for August 2023

Summer Holiday Programme 2023 – Places still available

Places are still available for our HAF funded Summer 2023 Programme.  We are experiencing a high number of people cancelling of just not turning up for places that have been booked. Please consider this when booking.

Free places available for young people aged 8-16 who are eligible for benefits related free school meals .Please call 01512807757 and speak with camp coordinator – Nigel Mosaid.

Places can also be booked online at:

Greenbank holiday camp leaflet with booking dates and qr code

Christmas Opening Hours

October Holiday Camp


October Holiday Club at Greenbank Sports Academy:
– Free packed lunch and snacks for all
– Lots of fun activities
– Free for young people aged 8 to 16 who get free school meals
– Free for young people with SEND aged 8 to 25
Book your place now:

Holiday Camp Booking Page

October holiday camp dates and times

FREE Gym Memberships for Young People

If you are aged 13-18 (or up to 25 if disabled/SEND) then you are able to get a FREE 1 month gym membership during the summer holidays school break and throughout September 2022.

Young people will receive an induction and personal training programme to follow. U16’s need to be supervised by a parent/guardian, and young people with disabilities/SEND who require support in the gym can be accompanied by a carer/friend.  

Simply complete a membership form and book an induction. Drop in or Call 01512807757 for further details.

Thanks go to the Youth Diversion Fund administered by the Community Foundation for Merseyside. The funding is supporting safer communities and youth engagement. Together we can grow stronger communities.

Inter-Schools Athletics Championship 2016

Medal winners boys 100m

Kieron Guildford (right), winner of Boys 100m

More than two hundred children from schools across Merseyside plus pupils from Sharples School, Bolton took part in an Inter-School Athletics Championship for children with Moderate Learning Disability (MLD) / Sensory Disability on Thursday 12th May. The event, which was organised by Greenbank Sports Academy was held at Wavertree Sports Park.

Organiser Steve Sullivan commented:

“All of the children did really well and had a fantastic day. There were notable performances from a number of Crosby High School pupils: Kieron Guildford who won the 100m male final in 12.7 seconds and Rebecca Humphrey who won the female final in 15.5 seconds.  Lee Drummond threw the 600g javelin 25.1 metres with Usama Nasir from Sharples School close behind with a distance of 22.9 metres.”

He went on to thank those, who made the event possible adding:

“Special thanks to our officials for generously giving up their time to ensure the event was professionally recorded and timed.

Also huge thanks to all the individual volunteers who supported the event and Liverpool Harriers for the use of their Clubhouse.”