Archive for August 2023

Summer Holiday Programme 2023 – Places still available

Places are still available for our HAF funded Summer 2023 Programme.  We are experiencing a high number of people cancelling of just not turning up for places that have been booked. Please consider this when booking.

Free places available for young people aged 8-16 who are eligible for benefits related free school meals .Please call 01512807757 and speak with camp coordinator – Nigel Mosaid.

Places can also be booked online at:

Greenbank holiday camp leaflet with booking dates and qr code

Free Fitness Classes for Young People

Greenbank are offering FREE 1 hour fitness classes for young people during August and September – Guided by ARPTUK (Adam Rutherford Personal Trainer). 

Fun and refreshing 1 hour full-body workouts for young and active teenagers. The sessions consist of a warmup, main workout, and a cool down with a surprise element in the middle to keep the engagement level high. These 1 hour sessions have simple-to-follow exercises that aid in building strength and stamina in the body. Disabled/SEND young people can bring a carer/friend to offer individualised support

Improves muscle strength
Increases stamina
Improves endurance

Session Dates/times are as follows (All classes delivered in Greenbank Sports Academy sports hall, with maximum of 25 places available at each session). No Need to pre book. Just turn up with a water bottle and take part. The instructor will ask for some personal details which are required for monitoring purposes. U16’s should attend with parent/guardian. Onsite catering facility available:

19/8 1-2pm
22/8 11-12 and 1-2pm
24/8 11-12 and 1-2pm
26/8 11-12 and 1-2pm
30/8 11-12 and 1-2pm
31/8 11-12 and 1-2pm
5/9 4-5pm and 5-6pm
6/9 4-5pm and 5-6pm
7/9 4-5pm and 5-6pm
8/9 4-5pm and 5-6pm
9/9 4-5pm and 5-6pm

Poster showing the dates and times of free classes for young people

Thanks go to the Youth Diversion Fund administered by the Community Foundation for Merseyside. The funding is supporting safer communities and youth engagement. Together we can grow stronger communities.